In the series, kaios are the gods of each universe, ruling each quadrant.
For the sake of balance, they are mortals on DBE but they retain their main
abilities. They are considered one of the best healers but their main strength
has to do with manipulation. They are also telepathic, meaning they can talk
to anyone from afar.
Role: Defensive
Skill List
- Bang Beam , 1000 lps
- Beam , 250 lps
- Chaos Bomb , 10000 lps
- Divine Shield Rush , ??? lps
- Formgi , 10 lps
- Heavenly Rain , 3200 lps
- Elbow , 0 lps
- Eraser Cannon , Not learn-able with lps
- Eye Laser , Not learn-able with lps
- Finger Laser , 700 lps
- Kaioken , 2000 lps
- Kakusandan , 1000 lps
- Kamehameha , Not learn-able with lps
- Kikouha , 150 lps
- Kishot , 100 lps
- Knee , 0 lps
- Protect , 1000 lps
- Spirit Bomb , 6000 lps
- Psychic Blast , 2000 lps
- Renzoku Energy Dan , 800 lps
- Roundhouse , 45 lps
- Scan , 0 lps
- Scatter Finger Beam , Not learn-able with lps
- Sense , 650 lps
- Shogekiha , 350 lps
- Solar Kamehameha , Not learn-able with lps
- Sweep , 45 lps
- Triple Kishot , 300 lps
- Tsuihidan , 300 lps
- Universal Spirit Bomb , Not learn-able with lps
- Uppercut , 45 lps
Focus List
- Bless , 250 lps
- Telekinesis , 1000 lps
- Energy Flare , 250 lps
- Barrier , 400 lps
- Infravision, 75 lps
- Esuna , 300 lps
- Venom Vision , 125 lps
- Hydrate , 50 lps
- Heal , 350 lps
- Mass Heal, 650 lps
- Enchant , 300 lps
- Perception , 300 lps
- Potential Release , 750 lps
- Primal Fury , 3000 lps
- Zanzoken , 0 lps
- Detect Karma , 150 lps
Level 500 - Super Kaio Grand: + 25k PL/50k KI
Level 2,400 - Super Kaio Kaioshin: + 75k PL/75k KI
Level 6,000 - Super Kaio Daikaioshin: + 75k PL/100k KI
Level 18,000 - Super Kaio Ancient: + 200k PL/175k KI
Level 30,000 - Super Kaio ElderMystic: + 175k PL/275k KI
While in Super Kaio Elder Mystic, you'll get an extra 6 Hit/Damroll.
Kaios Transform using the Skaio command.
Bonuses and Skill Upgrades
PL: 5, KI: 5 Random Pl/Ki Gains on Mob kills
Kaios don't need to wear a scouter to send tells.
Skill Upgrades in Kaioshin: Heal
Skill Upgrades in Daikaioshin: Renzo Energy Dan.
Skill Upgrades in Ancient: Psychic Blast and Heavenly Rain.
Skill Upgrades in Mystic: Spirit Bomb.
Shield Block
Level 1-4,999: 11% shield block
Level 5,000-14,999: 12% shield block
Level 15,000-29,999: 13% shield block
Level 30,000-49,999: 14% shield block
Level 50,000-74,999: 16% shield block
Level 75,000+: 18% shield block
While in Super Kaio Grand, you'll get a 17,000 damage bonus to Crushing weapons
Kaios above level 500 get a 2,500 damage bonus to Bludgeoning weapons.
Unlocked at level 500 see this page for more info.
Priest: stronger Heal(+level), increased Heavenly Rain damage and heal, increased ki regen
Templar: extra avoidance if using a shield that restores pl and ki(+4% total avoidance), increased Psychic Blast damage, increased Divine Shield Rush damage and increased damage reduction if in High Tension 2.35